Soup pot and an Instant Pot (electric pressure cooker) Real knives with a sharpener. These are Global but there are other good brands Cuisinart large and small (for dressings) Cast iron skillets . I have 3 different sizes Vitamix. No other blender compares. Molcajete (for grinding spices or an old coffee grinder works) . Old fashioned hand juicer
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LT TO RT. Spirializer for zucchini spaghetti, small cuisinart for dressings and toppings, and our best friend, the Instant Pot. That thing on left is my mulch bucket. We used to have a mulch pile but hello skunks and rats. Now we dig into the garden between all the vegetables. Dig a good 12" hole each time. Interesting that it has coffee grounds in it and I guess skunks don't like so serves a secondary purpose. It is amazing how it disappears quite readily