Mar 7, 2016 Main Quick Stir Fry I was at Whole Foods making a salad for the road. We were on our way to Tahoe area. I wanted something very simple to
Mar 6, 2016 Appetizer Caschew Carrot Pate Wrap (option To Springroll) Carrot Pate (can also be used as a spread for an appetizer) Carrot Pate (can also be used as a spread for an appetizer) In
Feb 19, 2016 Miscellaneous Baked Tofu (like Chicken Mcnuggets) I know it’s a processed product but there are vitamins in it. Does have some canola oil. You know the saying “it’s not
Feb 8, 2016 Miscellaneous Ranch Baked Beans 3c. dried beans (pinto, cranberry, kidney or your choice) Do not need to soak 6c water (beans are 1c dry to 2c water 2t sea
Feb 8, 2016 Main Soba Noodles This recipe was done during a recent trip to Molokai. Went to grocery store to see what’s up for vegans. Found Uka Soba noodles.