1. Make cashew cream:

Combine  in a food processor

1/2c. raw caschews

4oz firm or soft tofu

1c. hot water

1/2c  parsley, include stems

3 cloves garlic peeled

Blend above until it becomes a creamy sauce. Set aside.

2. Make  tomato sauce. Or you can use a large quart jar of spaghetti sauce .

1 jar classico spaghetti sauce or 4c homemade sauce

This is my sauce:  In Instantpot:

Add 1/4c water for sauteeing to instantpot


1 small  onion red or yellow

1 carrot

3 cloves  minced garlic.


1c. sliced, fresh or canned mushrooms,

1c. halved artichoke hearts packed in water only.

15oz can stewed tomatoes

1/4c sliced olives  any kind

Sauce is done but use an emersion blender  to blend until chunky. Set aside next to caschew sauce.

3. Slice into 1/4" rounds:

One med zucchini, one med eggplant

Lay both out on lightly sprayed  broiler pan. I have a perforated round baking pan that works well. Sprinkle lightly with salt (opt). Broil til golden but not black. No need to turn over.

4. Take out 13x9 pan and 9 lasagna noodles. Best is De cecco brand. They are thin.

Do not boil lasagna noodles.  Use 9 noodles for whole recipe. (three in each layer) Be sure you use enough sauce to cover noodles on sides as the noodles soak up sauce and you don't want to dry out while baking. Otherwise boil noodles just until al dente.

Construct lasagna:

In a 13x9 pan lay 3 noodles or 4 if long skinny ones.

Spread a dollop of white sauce on each noodle and spread to cover

Lay a layer of sliced zucchini and lasagna on each noodle

Cover layer with white and red sauces

Repeat starting with 3 noodles

Cover with foil. Bake  350 for 40min.