Since my husband retired (note all the ties) he has been cooking on a regular basis. This is one of my favorites. I especially like the artichokes in it so we sometimes add more. Stock up if you see them packed in water as they are harder to find.

1c uncooked brown rice

3 cloves minced garlic

1T paprika

1T tumeric (I buy fresh at healthfood store. Then I grate and store in freezer)

1/2t black pepper

1t chili powder

6c. sliced baby Bella mushrooms

2-4 diced vegan sausages like Italian style

1 14.5oz can diced tomatoes

1 1/4c vegetable broth

4 threads saffron (pre soak in a tablespoon water)

1 green and red pepper large chopped

1 14oz can packed in water artichokes

1c frozen or fresh peas or lima beans

1/2c chopped parsley

2T Hoisin sauce

1T worchteshire sauce

Put all ingredients except sausages, in instant pot. Push manual button and set to 20min. Once 20 min is over let pot continue to cook until button on top becomes recessed. Then open and do following:

Add sausages.